Project: Fotografi
Redesign of Norwegian photography magazine Fotografi, based on research, analysis and strategic foundations.

Redesign based on research, analysis and strategic foundations. Following a comprehensive strategic process, a creative process began, resulting in the development of a logo, grid, layout, typography and photography style.

Photo on cover by Anton Soggiu, see more of his photos at www.antonsoggiu.com

The result was a redesigned magazine with front page, table of contents, colophon and spreads with text and pictures.

In the final phase of the project we developed a newsletter and website with responsive solution, using html/CSS.

This redesign is a fictional school project, at Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN) 2013.
The redesign of the magazine was originally a collaboration with Anja Egge, Wenche Christoffersen og Kristine Tesdal. The design and coding of the website was individual. I have individually reworked and redesigned the project later on.
Photos by Anton Soggiu, Saul Leiter, Terry Richardson and Henri Carter-Bresson. This is a fictional project, photos are not to be used for any purpose other than my personal portfolio.