Emotional design: NAV
Project: Emotional design at NAV
A web design project, with a particular focus on usability, design psychology and emotional design.
In collaboration with Bekk Consulting, we were given the opportunity to get guidance from interaction designers Jon Bernholdt Olsen and Trine Wandsemb-Trøye to look at the issues surrounding NAV's fact sheets. Thus, in this project we aimed to redesign the fact sheet for parental benefits on the NAV website. Our aim was to create a design that guides the user through a comprehensive process in a safe and understandable way, while at the same time being emotionally appealing.
The project consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The practical product is a web page designed on the basis of collected theory and findings from user tests and interviews.
My part of the project has mainly been the design, illustration and coding of the website.
The project was a collaboration with Anja Egge.
The illustrations are based on illustrations from beta.nav.no and further developed for this project.
Project at Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN) 2013, in collaboration with Anja Egge.